IoT Based Smart Waste Monitoring System

Nowadays the population is increasing rapidly throughout the entire world, which causes in lack of health awareness in public and results in people investing less money in programs related to the waste management in society. This creates huge issues over peoples health all over the world. Proper management of waste materials urban and rural areas is very important to maintain hygienic and healthy living environment to live.Majority of infections are spread because of bacteria and viruses in unhygienic and polluted environment. The technology sources are needed for safeguarding the environment at present. Majority of the environment in the public and residential areas are being polluted with the waste materials in public, residential and industrial areas.

The Io T based garbage monitoring system is a very innovative system which will help to keep the environment and cities clean. This system monitors the garbage bins throughout the city and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bins to a person in the administrative department.
 For number of times we have seen that the dustbins are being overflow with the waste materials and the concerned person doesnt have any information about it within the time, due to which unsanitary conditions are formed in the surrounding environment and the living area. Bad smell is spread out due to waste in dustbin at the same time. Also the bad look of the city which leads to air and environmental pollution, some harmful infections and diseases around the locality which is spreadable easily.

The traditional system has some major issues like unhygienic environment and look of the city. One of the most common issues in the over populated and residential urban areas are garbage bins overflowing on to the streets and footpaths causing environmental pollution and unhygienic living conditions in surroundings.This is mainly due to the routines for cleaning the dustbins by the government municipal corporation, without taking the waste disposal rate of the areas.There are number of unwanted manual checks of garbage bins level by municipal corporations which are less effective and time consuming. Trucks are sent to empty the dustbins whether they are full or not and the trucks need fuel which is costly. The bad smell is spread and which may cause illness to living beings in the surroundings.Though the world is in a stage of up gradation, there is yet another problem that has to be dealt with. The garbage bins being overfull and the garbage being spilled out from the bins can be seen all around. This leads to various diseases as large number of insects and mosquitoes breed on it. A big challenge in the urban cities is solid waste management. Hence, smart dustbin is a system which can eradicate this problem or at least reduce it to the minimum level.

Amounts of waste are largely determined by two factors: first, the population in any given area, and second, its consumption patterns. According to the UN, between now and 2025, the world population will increase by 20% to reach 8billion inhabitants (from 6.8today).With this increase in population, the responsibilities towards waste management also increases. Our waste administration frameworks and our economic situations, even taking care of business, are unequipped for taking care of the developing measures of waste universally. A new paradigm of global cooperation and governance is adopted a tidal wave of uncontrolled dump sites will be the principal waste management method, especially in Asia.

With the increasing population and industrialization of nations throughout the globe, waste has become a great concern for all of us. Over years, researchers figured that only waste management is not enough for its proper treatment and disposal techniques to preserve our environment and keeping it clean in this era of globalization. With the help of technology researchers have, introduced IoT based Smart Waste Management solutions and initiatives that ensures reduced amount of time and energy required to provide waste management services and reduce the amount of waste generated. Unfortunately, developing countries are not being able to implement those existing solutions due to many factors like socio-economic environment. Therefore, in this research we have concentrated our thought on developing a smart IoT based waste monitoring system for developing countries like Nepal that will ensure proper disposal, collection, transportation and recycling of household waste with the minimum amount of resources being available.

waste in Kathmandu

A waste container is a container for temporarily storing waste, and is made of wood. It size is of 45.5*30 cm. A compressor is used to compress the dust in the dustbin. Each dustbin comprises ultrasonic sensor, NodeMcu, compressor, renewable power supply .Ultrasonic Sensor is installed at the top of dust bin and measure the distance of garbage from the top of Trash. The dustbin automatically notifies the current status of garbage by the help of ESP8266 which is inbuilt in NodeMcu so that we could know about the garbage level of every dustbin. If the garbage bin is full then the waste management team goes to the particular area for the collection of waste.The municipality has faced problem in the collection of wastage so we have designed dustbin of size 45.5*30 cm. The dustbin consists of ultrasonic sensor, NodeMcu, compressor and solar power supply. Ultrasonic Sensor is used for detecting whether the dust bin is filled with garbage or not. Here Ultrasonic Sensor is installed at the top of dust bin and measures the distance of garbage from the top of dustbin, as the dust in the dustbin increases the distance between ultrasonic sensor and the dust decreases which helps to know whether the dustbin is full or not.A compressor is used to compress the dust in the dustbin. A compressor compresses the dust if the dust is greater than certain threshold1 value. If the garbage level is more than threshold2 then the system send that the dustbin is full else send the dustbin is filled to the cloud for this we use ESP8266 which is inbuilt in NodeMcu.Blynk application is used which gives the exact location and status of the dustbin. By the use of Blynk application the waste management can know whether the particular dustbin is full or empty. If the dustbin is full then the waste management reachs in the particular area and dispatched the wastages. This project helps to reduce the time, money and the number of manpower required to handle wastages. The system also helps to keep the cities clean.

waste collect sample box connect with internet.

Hardware result and output

The municipality has faced problem in the collection of wastage so we have designed dustbin of size 45.5*30 cm. The dustbin consists of ultrasonic sensor, NodeMcu, compressor and solar power supply. Ultrasonic Sensor is used for detecting whether the dust bin is filled with garbage or not. Here Ultrasonic Sensor is installed at the top of dust bin and measures the distance of garbage from the top of dustbin, as the dust in the dustbin increases the distance between ultrasonic sensor and the dust decreases which helps to know whether the dustbin is full or not.

A compressor is used to compress the dust in the dustbin. A compressor compresses the dust if the dust is greater than certain threshold value. If the garbage level is more than threshold 2 then the system send that the dustbin is full else send the dustbin is filled to the cloud for this we use ESP8266 which is inbuilt in NodeMcu.Blynk application is used which gives the exact location and status of the dustbin. By the use of Blynk application the waste management can know whether the particular dustbin is full or empty. If the dustbin is full then the waste management reachs in the particular area and dispatched the wastage. This project helps to reduce the time, money and the number of manpower required to handle wastage. The system also helps to keep the cities clean.


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Saroj paudel
Niten Thapa
Bimal Kumar sha

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